
Circuit diagram of two DS18B20

I have one raspberry pi 4 with only one pin that can read the 1-wire protocol. I have 6 DS18B20 temperature sensors I want to use. It turns out the 1-wire protocol is a bus protocol meaning a single wire can be shared by many devices trying to communicate. All you need to do is connect the dat lines of each sensor as shown in the diagram above.

Notes: I use pin 2 on my pi4 (5v power) and pin 39 (GND) as vcc and gnd.


  1. Ensure this line is present in /boot/config.txt

    Then reboot

    sudo reboot
  2. Identify your devices
    ls /sys/bus/w1/devices
    => 28-011939e3f4d8  28-01204e866407  w1_bus_master1
    ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-011939e3f4d8
    => ... uevent  w1_slave ...

    They will start with 28 then a - and then the serial of your device.
    Mine are 28-011939e3f4d8 and 28-01204e866407.
    The file we will be using is inside this folder and called w1_slave.

  3. Read from them

    Here’s the script I use to do that. I stole the original from here and modified it to handle multiple devices.

    Just modify the array files at the start of the script with your own device serial numbers. The files array can be any length > 1.

     import os
     import time
     # Initialize the GPIO Pins
     os.system('modprobe w1-gpio')  # Turns on the GPIO module
     os.system('modprobe w1-therm')  # Turns on the Temperature module
     files = ['/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-011939e3f4d8/w1_slave', '/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-01204e866407/w1_slave']
     # A function that reads the sensors data
     def read_temp_raw():
         lines = []
         for path in files:
             f = open(path, 'r')
         return lines
     def read_temp():
         lines = read_temp_raw()
         for i, line_set in enumerate(lines):
             while line_set[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES':
                 lines[i] = read_temp_raw()
         equal_pos = []
         for line_set in lines:
         temps = []
         for i, pos in enumerate(equal_pos):
             if pos != -1:
                 temp_string = lines[i][1][pos + 2:]
                 temp_c = float(temp_string) / 1000.0
                 temp_f = temp_c * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0
         return temps
     while True:
         t = read_temp()
         temps =  ",".join([str(round(x,2)) for x in t])
         print(f"{time.time()},{temps}", flush=True)


This is part 1 of a project to create a PID controlled reptile heat mat. Buying a proportional thermostat that would accomplish the same thing would cost $60->$200. Far more expensive than spending 30 hours on it myself.